Microlight Pilot Certificates

The Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand (RAANZ) is the part 149 organisation to which we are affiliated.

RAANZ issue pilot certificates on a graded system for different classes of aircraft. We only offer training for Class B—3 axis control aircraft.

Prior to undertaking flight training the candidate requires the Novice Certificate.

The Intermediate Certificate requires a minimum of 25 hours flight training and passing six online exams. This allows the holder to fly within 10 nautical miles of the aerodrome unsupervised. However to fly our aircraft unsupervised an Advanced Local Certificate or above is required.

The holder of an Advanced Local Certificate, requiring a minimum of 40 hours flying, may fly without instructor authorisation. However there is a geographical limit of 50 nautical miles (about 100km) from the aerodrome of departure. To get this restriction removed extra navigation training is required and a minimum of 45 hours total flying time resulting in the issue of an Advanced National Certificate.

Passengers may only be carried by holders of Advanced certificates with a Passenger Rating. To get a passenger rating a pilot must have a minimum of 35 hours pilot in command. Some of this will have been obtained during training.

All training, testing and exams are conducted “in house” under the supervision of the Chief Flying Instructor.

Once qualified the member may use the club’s microlight, and the Light Sport Aircraft (MBN) at the current rates.

Full details about becoming a microlight pilot together with on-line training material is available on the RAANZ website www.raanz.org.nz

How Much?

If you are planning to achieve the Advanced Local Certificate the following are indicative costs—assuming self study for the exams. (Prices are in NZ$)

RAANZ membership 70
BOIAC membership 115
Medical (estimate) 100
Chart 20
Log book 42
Estimated fixed costs     $347
Option 1
40 hours flying in the AEROPRACT A32 @ NZ$135/meter hour 5,400
80 hours of instructor time @ NZ$40/contact hour 3,200
Minimum expected cost to get a Local Advanced Certificate in the club microlight      $8947
Option 2:
40 hours flying in the Tecnam P2008 @ NZ$235/meter hour 9,400
80 Hours of instructor time @ NZ$40/contact hour 3,200
Minimum expected cost to get an Advanced Local certificate in the Light Sport Aircraft P2008     $12,600
To obtain an Advanced National Certificate requires a minimum of 45 hours flying
To obtain a passenger rating requires 35 hours Pilot In Command
Aircraft are charged on engine running time as determined by a  “Hobbs” meter
Instructor time is charged for the lesson including briefings, debriefings aircraft check out, solo supervision etc.

How do we work?

The initial stage of your flight training is to meet with the Chief Flying Instructor and discuss the training options available through the Club. That would also be an ideal time to partake in an  introductory lesson to get familiar with the sensations of flying, and the operation of the aircraft. This meeting is free of charge and there is no commitment to take things further.

If you wanted to proceed, the instructing staff would prepare a personalised “learning plan”. This is an understanding of your requirements and how they are going to be met. For example you might intend coming 3 afternoons a week. Knowing how you would like to structure your training enables the instructing staff to ascertain which afternoons are mutually convenient and plan accordingly.

Before staring in earnest you need a Novice Pilot Certificate—the provisional pilot licence.

Download the Medical Declaration Form from the RAANZ website  and take it to your GP for completion. Alternatively arrange a medical with the Kerikeri based RAANZ chief medical examiner doctor Peter Vujcich  (027) 548 7961 and ask for a microlight pilot medical.

Once you have been issued with your medical certificate the Club instructing staff can assist you to complete the RAANZ online application form including a Fit & Proper Person form, and then RAANZ will issue the Novice Pilot Certificate.

Initial Flight Training

A typical lesson involves you pre-reading the exercise to be flown: Next, during pre-flight briefing your instructor will present a précis of the reading to reinforce what you have read and clarify any uncertainties you may have. You will then prepare the aircraft for flight—initially with your instructor. but fairly early on by yourself. The exercise will be flown followed by a debrief and completion of your student record and log book. A typical lesson will last about 2 hours with one hour flying.

We encourage you to get involved in studying for the ground exams as soon as possible and will require you to have passed the Law and Radio before going solo. This reduces the risk of an incident due to something basic—like not knowing the rights of way. Studying from books can be a bit daunting, especially for those who left school a long time ago!  We offer a lecture program and individual tutorials to assist those who prefer a classroom environment.

The first part of the flying program gets you to the stage where you can fly the aircraft. At some point, usually during the first 20 hours, you should complete your first solo—flying the aircraft around the aerodrome on your own.

Subsequent lessons are a mixture of “dual” and “solo” flying; building your skills and experience and ability to deal with emergencies.

Towards the end of the course—after you have passed all the exams—you will start flying to other aerodromes.

Having met the experience requirements and flying to a good standard you will take the Advanced Local test. This is a practical test of both your flying ability and aviation knowledge. It is allowed for your instructor to conduct your test and he may do so—but it is more rigorous to get another instructor to test you if one is available.

Text Books

You will be issued with PDF handouts for the specific briefings and lecture notes for the ground school; aircraft checklists and pilot manuals will be issued at appropriate times throughout the course free of charge. The RAANZ website has a comprehensive online study material together with the question pool. There is enough information here free of charge to pass the microlight exams.

The Advanced National Certificate allows you to fly high performance aircraft in busy airspace and you may wish to study some subjects to Private Pilot level. If this is the case the recommended textbooks for the PPL course are: Private Pilot Licence Volume 1 to 5; The Flight Training Manual;  Aviation Medicine and other Human Factors for Pilots.  These are available from Waypoints Aviation  You may be able to buy them second hand from TradeMe or friends.

The club does have some secondhand books at a favourable rate. Check with your instructor for current availability.