Current club rates

To hire or training in the Clubs aircraft you must be a current members of the Bay of Islands Aero Club.

Bay of Islands membership:

Temporary membership (for overseas pilots)

  • Up to one month—regardless of licence held: $50

Full membership classes (subject to being proposed, seconded and approved)

  1. Microlight only: – for those holding/training for only a microlight pilot certificate. $120pa
  2. GA membership:- for those holding/training for a GA licence (PPL;CPL etc.) $155pa

Aircraft Rates

Aircraft are charged for on the HOBBS meter and are only available to members of the Bay of Islands Aero Club:

Aeropract A32 microlight: $150/hour for members & $185/hour including day membership for casual flyers (Only bank transfer payments will be accepted)

Tecnam P2008 LSA: $235/hr

Licence pilots or advanced certificate holders may apply to join the 12 + 12 for 12 scheme on the P2008LSA. This involves paying a monthly standing charge for a minimum 12-month period. Flying is then charged at a lower hourly rate.


Instructing charges are $40/ contact hour. This applies to briefings and solo supervision time in addition to actual flying time. This rate is the same regardless of whether GA or microlight certificates are being trained for.


A fixed instructor charge of NZ$120 is made assuming only one flight and ground session is required. If extra training is needed it will be charged for at the usual instructor rate.


PPL formal classes $160/subject

Individual tuition for CPL; PPL; RAANZ courses at current instructor rate.

Budget estimates for specific courses are shown on the relevant page.

Sundry Charges

Landing fees for the Aeropract A32 and P96G are included at Kerikeri; Kaitaia and Kaikohe. Other landing fees and airways charges are additional and subject to a 15% administration charge.

Prices are correct on April 2023 and are subject to change without notice. All prices in New Zealand Dollars and include GST.